
Contanct Us
Tianye Group is a modern private enterprise oriented by the market and customers. Relying on its strong comprehensive processing and R & D capabilities, Tianye Group provides OEM and ODM products to customers to fully meet their various needs.
NO.999,Xukou?Town, Wuzhong District,Suzhou,?Jiangsu Province,?China?215156
+86-0512-66247830 66930619
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If you have any suggestions or feedback on our company, please fill in the relevant information on this page and submit it

Tianye takes a zero tolerance attitude towards corruption, violation of the principle of fair competition and other illegal acts. When such acts occur, we will take prompt actions.

Reliable reporting channels open to internal and external sources and the protection of internal whistleblowers (from punishment) ensure that possible misconduct can be reported, comprehensively investigated and clarified. We provide different reporting channels for internal and external whistleblowers to inform us of possible violations.

If you have compliance issues related to daily business, you can contact us through the following ways:

*Compliance hotline: 0512-66171301

*Compliance email: EHS@tianye-group. com

铜山县| 开原市| 巴塘县| 深圳市| 新野县| 镇江市| 平定县| 五河县| 泾川县| 太保市| 乐业县| 南丰县| 阿巴嘎旗| 连云港市| 安丘市| 丹东市| 临泽县| 泽库县| 武邑县| 马关县| 交城县| 堆龙德庆县| 三原县| 神池县| 昌吉市| 绥江县| 南充市| 楚雄市| 乌鲁木齐县| 清苑县| 孟州市| 庆云县| 营口市| 南充市| 彝良县| 洪洞县| 拉孜县| 平南县| 镇康县| 乌拉特中旗| 灵石县|